

Bathroom Ideas – Dream Bathroom Designs

Everyone probably has dream bathroom designs they wish they could fulfil but both money and space can restrain your ideals. It is nice to dream though and through blog writing about bathrooms I see a whole variety of different bathroom ideas. In this blog I am going to reveal my bathroom wishes should I ever be lucky enough to renovate my own space. Hopefully I will give you some ideas…

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Cloakroom Ideas: The Benefits of an Extra Bathroom Space!

New build homes now feature cloakroom bathrooms as standard and have become a commodity people expect to find when buying a new home. With an extensive selection of cloakroom toilets available you will be surprised at how easy it is to achieve an additional bathroom space in your own home. So why are extra bathroom spaces so popular and how can you fit one in your own home? Read our blog for…

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Give Your Bathroom A Spring Refresh With These Bathroom Tiles

Spring is officially here, which is the perfect excuse to update your bathroom tiles ready for the season ahead! The dark gloomy days are (hopefully) over, so why not inject some life into your bathroom with pattern, print & colour. Granted, we don't all have the time, or funds to rip out the bathroom and start again. However changing or adding tiles is the ideal way to create a completely…

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